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Answers about Dating

Answers about Dating

More than half of the Canadian population (around 50%) live in the southern part of the country, particularly in major cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Montr

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What does it mean when a guy rubs his chin when talking to you?

Asked by Wiki User

Rubbing the chin can indicate that the person is listening attentively or evaluating what you’re saying. It might also signify contemplation or deep thought, of

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How can you tell if a guy likes you when he lives in another state?

Asked by Wiki User

You can tell if a guy likes you when he lives in another state by observing his communication frequency and content, his efforts to maintain contact and make pl

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What does it mean when a guy says to you we shall see.?

Asked by Wiki User

When a guy says “we shall see,” it often indicates that he is non-committal or unsure about a future plan or outcome. He may need more time or informa

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How do you get a girl let you worship her feet?

Asked by Wiki User

It is important to have open and honest communication with the girl about your desires and interests. Respect her boundaries and preferences, and ask for her co

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What does it mean if your crush and his friends always look at you?

Asked by Heyitsana

It could mean that they are interested in you or curious about you. It is common for people to look at someone they find attractive or intriguing. If you are in

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What does it mean if a guy ALWAYS waves hi even in the middle of class more than once and screams hi to you in the middle of the hallway?

Asked by Wiki User

If a guy is consistently waving and screaming hello to you in public settings like class or the hallway, it could be a sign that he is trying to get your attent

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Who says that men intentionally hurt women emotinally?

Asked by Wiki User

Many psychologists, sociologists, and advocates for gender equality argue that some men may hurt women emotionally intentionally due to societal norms, power dy

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Why does a females hands shake act nervous around you?

Asked by Wiki User

It’s possible that the female is feeling anxious or intimidated in your presence, causing her hands to shake. This could be due to various reasons such as shyne

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Is it gay to want to know what it feels like to kiss other guys?

Asked by Wiki User

Exploring your curiosity, whatever it may be, is a natural and personal experience. It’s important to stay true to yourself and your feelings without conforming

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What does it mean when you sit beside and talk a guy that seems to be interested and another guy pass you and says hi and the interested guy follows the another guy with his eyes Is he jealous?

Asked by Wiki User

It’s possible that the interested guy may feel a pang of jealousy seeing you interact with another guy. However, it’s important not to jump to conclusions just

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What do you do if you like tall and cute boy in the sixth grade but he thinks you do not like him because you act cool around him?

Asked by Wiki User

If you like the boy, consider showing your interest in a subtle and genuine way. Try to have relaxed conversations with him and maybe compliment him on somethin

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Why do guys think it’s hot when girls get mad at them?

Asked by Wiki User

Some guys may see a girl getting mad as a sign of passion or assertiveness, which can be attractive. They may also enjoy the challenge of trying to calm her dow

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How does a guy and a woman hide their feelings if they like each other but neither know what the other is thinking?

Asked by Wiki User

They might avoid eye contact, act casual or indifferent around each other, or try to downplay their interest by teasing or joking. Both individuals might also m

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How to stop thinking about your crush so much?

Asked by Volleyballcutie12

Try distracting yourself with activities or hobbies that you enjoy, spending time with friends and family, and focusing on self-improvement or personal goals. E

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How do i make my girl friend mentally satisfy?

Asked by Wiki User

To help mentally satisfy your girlfriend, listen to her, show empathy, and support her emotional needs. Find common interests and activities to enjoy together,

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How can you tell when an emo boy likes you?

Asked by Wiki User

An emo boy may show he likes you by being more attentive, wanting to spend time with you, and expressing his feelings through music or artistic expression. He m

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How do you know if someone is sociapath?

Asked by Japstolentino

Signs of sociopathy include a lack of empathy, manipulative behavior, a disregard for rules and laws, impulsivity, and superficial charm. It’s important to seek

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What does it mean when a guy tries to hold eye contact with you?

Asked by Wiki User

Holding eye contact can indicate interest, attraction, confidence, or a desire to connect with you on a deeper level. It may demonstrate that he is engaged in t

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Why do girls like guys who are jerks but ignore guys who are nice?

Asked by Wiki User

The belief that girls prefer jerks over nice guys is a stereotype that is not universally applicable. Some individuals may be attracted to confidence and assert

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What does looking down mean in body language?

Asked by Wiki User

Looking down in body language often conveys feelings of submission, insecurity, or guilt. It can suggest someone is avoiding confrontation or uncomfortable disc

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Why would a guy act like he hates you and ingnore you after a rejection?

Asked by Wiki User

It could be his way of coping with rejection by distancing himself to protect his feelings. He may also feel embarrassed or hurt, leading him to react by preten

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What to do if a hot girl likes you but has a bad personality?

Asked by Wiki User

It’s important to prioritize personality and values over looks. It’s okay to politely decline if you don’t feel a connection due to their personality. It’s bett

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Does it mean that a girl likes you if when talking to her she smiles and makes great eye contact at the same time and after school she walks with you and gives you a hug?

Asked by Wiki User

It’s possible that the girl likes you, as smiling, making eye contact, walking together, and giving hugs are often signs of interest or affection. However, it’s

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How do you get a 6th grade guy to like tou even though he thinks your weird?

Asked by Wiki User

Focus on being yourself and showing your unique qualities without trying too hard to impress him. Find common interests or topics to bond over and show him your

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